Saturday, April 30, 2016
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Honey Grove, Texas
courtesy of:
From the Biographical Souvenir:
T. B. Spelce was born in Madison county, Alabama, June 3, 1855, and is a son of Buford and Lavina (Massengale) Spelce. The father was born in Spartanburg district, South Carolina, and is now living in Fannin county, Texas, and is an industrious and progressive farmer. Mrs. Lavina Spelce was born in Alabama, and is still living, the mother of eleven children, named as follows, in the order of their birth - Susanna, Robert M., Mary A., Nancy E., Mahala C., James L., John C., William M., subject, Frank M. and Jennie. The family came to Texas in 1857, and here they have since lived. In 1884 T. B. Spelce moved to the live little city of Honey Grove, and engaged in the mercantile business with Mr. W. A. Williamson, under the firm name of Williamson & Spelce, who now rank among the leading grocery merchants of the place.
Mr. Spelce is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, and is a young man full of vim and energy, and has promise of a long and useful life before him. November 11, 1888, he married Miss Mollie Ford daughter of J. E. Ford of Tennessee.
TXFannin GenWeb #: 048601
This record last updated on 2015-03-26 at 22:19:09
Bluford Spelce
05 Feb 1818 - Madison Co., AL
12 Jun 1901 - Spring Hill, Fannin Co., TX
Obituary provided by Al Sturdivant.
- Obituary -
Bonham News, June 21, 1901Mr. Bluford Spelce, one of the oldest and best citizens of Fannin county, died at his home near Spring Hill Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Spelce was born in Alabama 84 years ago but moved to Texas at a very early day. Honey Grove was a village of two houses when he first saw it. since that time Fannin county has been his home. Here he made a useful citizen, contributing much to the development of this great country. He raised a large family of children all of whom are useful citizens. He was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church and lived a consistent Christian life. The body was laid to rest in Oakwood yesterday with Odd Fellow honors. The world mourns the death of a true, good man; but the influence of a life so pure in purpose will live in the hearts of men. The Signal joins the community in extending sympathy to the bereaved.--Honey Grove Signal.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
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