Friday, February 27, 2015


HERMAN STERN —A foremost citizen of Orange County, Herman Stern of Anaheim, occupies a distinct position among his fellow-citizens as a progressive, public-spirited and philanthropic man. He was born in Coburg, Germany, June 17, 1870, the son of Marcus and Rosetta (Goodman) Stern, who became the parents of nine children, of whom Herman is the seventh in order of birth. He received the benefit of a high school and college education and lived in his native country until he was twenty-three years of age, when, in 1893, he left to join his brother, Jacob Stern, in the United States, he having settled in Fullerton in 1888. After spending one year in that town, in 1894, they opened a store in Anaheim, conducting business under the name of Stern Brothers until 1908. In that year Herman purchased the interests of his brother, discontinued the various departments with the exception of that devoted to agricultural implements, and this he expanded by judicious advertising in unique manner. To meet the demands of the ranchers in the county he formed the Pacific Farm Implement Company in 1909, and has been very successful in his particular line of business.

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