Monday, March 18, 2013

Ft. Scott, Kansas Queen Quality Shoes

Glaze and Lewis, Sole Agency, Ft. Scott, Kans. This particular hook style was apparently offered by Queen Quality Shoes to various small shoe stores that carried their brand. The hooks are always the same design/style. "Queen Quality Shoes" being embossed on one side, with the store info on the other. Kansas isn't really Western but once in a while I pick up Nebraska or Kansas hooks if they have a cool town name.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Saturday, March 9, 2013

one of the more common hooks from San Francisco

I have three or four variants from the Philadelphia Shoe Store in SF. Here is most likely a duplicate I recently acquired.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

"new" Watsonville, California hook

A recent acquisition originally hailing from Watsonville, California.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Opinion and Philosophy regarding my blog

Eventually it will be nice to get pictures up of all the button hooks meant to be featured on this blog. After a broken computer and a broken leg in the Autumn of 2011, I was able to re-get-into this blog and continue updating as I have time. We all have seen blogs where they start out with an interesting premise, do several updates and then fade into the ethernet where lack of time, motivation and energy mix to create what seems like an abandoned blog - for all intents and purposes. This button hook blog being under the sole proprietorship of the sole collector of button hooks (at least in the US), makes me keep up the regular posts as no one else is available to contribute to this blog. There are no comments, there are no fellow collectors, and there may not be any readers! So perhaps with responsibility only to myself, I have only myself to be responsible to! Thus I try to keep this blog going on a regular basis.