Sunday, June 29, 2014

Twin Falls, Idaho

Second Santa Ana hook.

Sometimes these old hooks get a bit of rust.

Sugarman's Klamath Falls, Oregon

A lot of 2 hooks

The other was an average decorative hook. This is a new one from Oakland.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Friday, June 6, 2014

A pair from Oakland

My first and last pair of button shoes made in SF

Never thought I'd find a pair of button shoes made in San Francisco. San Francisco is my reason for collecting antiques and collectibles. The gateway to the Gold Rush. There is still so much history to see in San Francisco. Just hit a vacant lot there a couple weeks ago and came up with a few embossed bottles for the first time in a really long time. Went back a week later and the lot had been crushed and bulldozed. But on the other hand this is a pair of shoes. Aren't too many shoes still left from the button era in the West. Maybe someone has a collection of them...?